Sometimes I feel a little claustrophobic. We are a family of
6 living in a little over 1000 sq. feet. I know that we are incredibly blessed to have a home to call our own,
and I LOVE our house! I really do! But there are days where I feel like the walls are caving in, and on those days I spend way too much
time thinking about my dream home… A beautiful 3000 sq ft home nestled safely
at the end of a cul-de-sac, with enough space for us to breathe. Surrounded by
trees and a luscious garden, and a yard where my kids can run amuck… and we’ll
have a garage, and a kitchen with enough counter space to cook a meal… sigh…
It’s a beautiful dream.
But it’s just that. A dream.
One of the biggest items on my wish list is a playroom. I’d
love to have a space where the kids can imagine, play, and create… and where I
can close the door to contain the mess and pretend like it isn't there if I have to. This week while I was doing some
deep cleaning in our closet under the stairs I decided… hey… if I want a
playroom so badly, why don’t I just make one?!
So I did.
Now I’m totally kicking myself for not taking a before
picture of what this closet looked like. But I didn’t realize I was going to be
doing anything fun or exciting when I started my de-junking mission that
morning. Sorry! There are no pictures of the total disaster that existed
under my stairs. Imagine with me for a moment a
closet so scary that you didn’t dare open the door lest something fall out of
its precariously stacked location and knock you on the noggin. The floor was so
littered with puzzle pieces, Legos, Barbies, and broken toys that you couldn't even see the floor. In fact, there was
no floor- just a knee deep swamp of despair.
True story.
I took a deep breath and dug in. The first thing I did was empty
the closet and get rid of anything and everything we don’t actually use. Then I
vacuumed up the bag of powdered sugar that had apparently exploded underneath
all the mess. How it got there in the first place I have no idea. After the
space was nice and clean, I decided I wanted to paint! After all, what’s a
playroom without some fun color?! I had a can of blue paint left over from an
old project and used that to brighten up the space.
While the paint was drying, I organized the toys. An old
wicker basket now holds all the dress up clothes. I happened to have some empty
organizing bins in the attic, so I pulled those out and used them to store
small toys and dress up accessories like hats, shoes and necklaces. (Ignore the ugly sticker... I don't know why I didn't pull it off.) Then I used an
empty container from Sam’s Club that used to contain cheese puffs (I mean… uh…
organic chia-flax-spinach-kale chips) to store all the play food.
This over the door organizer holds library books, and a few
favorites from our bookshelf… I plan to rotate through them so we don’t
always end up reading the same books.
One of the biggest reasons I wanted a playroom was to
provide some creative space for my kids. My older girls LOVE to make crafts and
they just end up all over the house and stuffed into every crevice of their
closets. To solve the clutter issue I strung some twine on the wall, and used
clothespins to hang up their masterpieces. If they want to put a new piece of
art up, and there isn’t any room, they have to decide which piece they have to retire. That way I’m no longer the bad guy who sneaks old art projects
into the garbage when no one is looking because I just can’t handle the clutter
I also found two child-sized wooden chairs in my attic that had been
sitting up there far too long so I pulled them out and stuck them in the "playroom." (This is why I have a hard time getting rid of
things! You’ll never know when you need them again!)
This totally rad ottoman now holds all the art supplies and
also acts like a little table for pretend tea parties.
An empty tin is now the home for the stamps and glue sticks.
And as a finishing touch I decided to make a chalkboard out
of an old picture frame and some chalkboard paint I’ve been holding onto for a
while. I hung it over the ugly metal utility access panel on the wall… because why not? J
I seriously love this room! I know it’s small, but it’s so
functional now! My kids spend hours in here every day, and I don’t know who is
happier about it- them or ME! (Pretty sure it’s me.) They play dress up, do art
projects, play house and their favorite make believe game- super spy! My oldest
has also been using this room as a quiet place to do her homework.
I think my favorite part of this whole project is that for
the most part I just used items I already had on hand. The only two things I bought were the red ottoman
and the super funky rug… both on sale at Ross! Score!
This project was so much fun, and it was a great reminder to me that THIS home can be my dream home. I know it's small, but we I honestly believe that someday we will look back on our years spent here and realize they were some of the happiest years of our lives. Some days I may feel like we don't have "enough" but I am learning to that I have the ability to take what I have right now and make it enough. It’s all about being happy,
wherever you are J

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